Tide BC is a new collaborative care & research initiative with a focus on prevention and treatment of Intellectual disability (ID). We have shown that the ID seen in some children is due to treatable genetic conditions known as inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) . Many of these IEM’s can be treated with diet or drugs. Presently, health care policy and institutional culture is still operating under the old premise that all ID is incurable and thus, many children born with treatable ID are at risk of not being treated.
At BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH) in Vancouver, Canada, 1500 patients with ID are seen for diagnostic assessment per year by various services, such as neurology, medical genetics, biochemical diseases, developmental pediatrics and child psychiatry. With the local expertise of all these specialists, existing diagnostic laboratory methods, and the major advances in diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, BCCH is the ideal academic location to implement our evidence-based protocol to identify treatable causes of ID.